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B&B Pipe & Industrial Tool
B&B Pipe and Industrial Tools is a company that offers a wide variety of pipe fabrication tools, equipment, and tube welding and cutting parts. The company was originally founded in Houston, Texas in the 1990s and has since become an important player in the U.S. market. B&B is now part of the Specialized Fabrication Equipment (S.F.E.) Group, which was formed in 2019 through the merger of B&B Pipe and Industrial Tools LLC, Mathey Dearman Inc., TAG Pipe Equipment Specialists, and recently AXXAIR. The B&B brand within the S.F.E. Group focuses on pipe handling machines and equipment, including pipe jacks and stands, mega rollers and stands, and material handling carts. Their products are available from S.F.E. Group branches worldwide as well as through their network of partners and distributors. If you're looking for pipe fittings and accessories for pipe handling applications, B&B is a reliable choice.