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Black Key Coffee is a small family-owned business located in Avon, Ohio. It was founded in 2019 by Devon and Andrew Blakley. Andrew, the roastmaster, has a strong passion for coffee and was trained as a barista in his early twenties. He found roasting coffee to be a therapeutic way to deal with his severe depression and anxiety.

Devon, on the other hand, has always had a deep love for her hometown of Cleveland and is committed to supporting the community. She wanted to start a small business that not only provides excellent coffee but also contributes to the local economy.

At Black Key Coffee, they believe that great coffee can make a difference. They strive to support small family businesses and source their beans from historic farms. They are dedicated to minimizing their impact on the environment and buying ethically from farmers.

Black Key Coffee offers a variety of coffee beans, including Costa Rica Tarazzu, Brazilian Peaberry, and Guatemala Espresso. They roast their beans in small batches to ensure freshness and offer merchandise for purchase as well.

Overall, Black Key Coffee is passionate about providing clean and high-quality coffee while supporting their community and creating positive change through their business practices.